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Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe while preparing them to make the most of life and work. When taught well, PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.

PSHE is taught weekly in all classes, using PSHE Association’s Thematic model based on the themes of

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

The statutory guidance is comprehensively covered by learning opportunities across all three core themes. Even though much of ‘Living in the wider world’ is not included in statutory requirements, the theme as a whole remains vitally important for pupils’ personal development and economic well-being.

In Years 1 and 3, we also participate in Head’s Up Kids UK – an Emotional and Well-Being programme which complements the curriculum. Additionally, in the Summer Term, we use ‘Christopher Winter Project’ for SRE (Sex and Relationship Education) in Years 5 and 6.


Below is our curriculum coverage. There are 9 units per year (3 per term) which are taught in a cyclical way to ensure progression and links between year groups and units are made explicit.


PSHE is taught weekly in all classes and everyone participates. Prior to the unit being taught, the front cover for the upcoming unit is looked at by pupils who attempt AFL (assessment) questions in blue pen. Work from the unit is recorded and documented in a number of ways in a PSHE book and following the unit, pupils then re-look at the assessment questions from the start of the unit and answer in red pen to evidence learning. Each lesson begins with a retrieval quiz to consolidate the previous lesson’s work and to assist with the sequence of lessons. Resources and suggested ideas are provided for each year group.

In addition to this, we mark significant events such as: Anti Bullying Week; Mental Health Day; Safer Internet Day; Mitzvah Day and Friendship week by whole school assemblies, lessons, workshops and/or visitors. The PSHE lead attends a wide range of training to keep up to date with current thinking and developments.

Monitoring and Assessment

Monitoring in PSHE ensures that teaching and learning is of a high quality. Monitoring includes: dropping into lessons; learning walks; talking to staff; talking to pupils and book looks. PSHE is assessed as children evaluate the questions answered at the beginning of a unit which identifies how well they’ve done. Staff training takes place annually and then as and when it is necessary following moderation and assessment.


Keywords are identified for each unit and written on the front covers for children and teachers to refer to during their lessons. An example is shown below of Unit 1, Strand 1 in Year 3:

When appropriate, poems and short stories are used to engage and assist the pupils’ learning.

Provision for SEND pupils

All children participate in PSHE lessons. Each lesson begins with a retrieval quiz to consolidate the previous lesson’s work and to assist with the sequence of lessons. This also supports our SEND pupils who benefit from the recap. In PSHE, resources are varied to consider all pupils. Additionally, word banks, support sheets, scaffolds and extensions are provided to support those most struggling and challenge those who are gifted.