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As outlined in the National Curriculum for Computing. The subject is organised into 3 key areas, Information Technology (IT), Digital Literacy (DL) and at the core of Computing, Computer Science (CS).

The goal of teaching Computing at Wolfson Hillel is to demystify computers so that students develop an understanding of how a computer works and how it can be used to solve problems.


Teaching computer science is at the core of computing at Wolfson Hillel. Learning computer science will exercise the creativity and problem-solving skills of students. Students will learn what a computer is and what is inside of computersTasks will be a mixture of ‘unplugged’ activities and software.

In this curriculum, abstract words of computer science are revealed by concentrating on concepts and by grounding the learning in action. This curriculum embeds a computational thinking approach toward solving all kinds of problems, from learning how to write code for a programme, to sequencing commands for tasks in the real world.

‘Core Concept Vocabulary’ and ‘Key Questions’ are critical tools used in this curriculum. ‘Core Concept Vocabulary’ and ‘Key Questions’ feature throughout the curriculum and are connected to the actions and activities planned in each lesson. ‘Core Concept Vocabulary’ and ‘Key Questions’ spiral, repeat and deepen as children progress through KS1 and KS2, aiming to embed concept words in the vocabulary of children and establish a deep understanding of computing concepts.

Preparing pupils for life beyond primary school:

The teaching of Computing at Wolfson Hillel prepares pupils for life after primary school by enabling them with knowledge and skills that help them make sense of and contribute to the society and world they live in.

There is a clear focus on computational thinking and developing a logical and computational approach towards problem-solving. Computational thinking teaches pupils how to think and is critical to success and resilience beyond the classroom.  

Digital Literacy (DL) and Information Technology (IT) units open a student’s eyes to the digital world and help them consider the uses, dangers and possibilities of computers in all areas of industry and society. Units such as ‘Machine Learning’, ‘AI’ and ‘Data Collection and Algorithms’, teach students to consider the reach and impact of computers on us as individuals and a society.

Schemes of work and resources:

 A variety of sources and external schemes have been researched and applied in the writing of this curriculum. Notably, ‘Hello Ruby’ by Linda Lukas, Scratch, Sratch Jr. ,, Barefoot Academy, Bebras UK and

The Computing Curriculum Map(insert) shows that in each year’s iteration of a unit, core concepts are revisited, further explored and pupil understanding deepened. For example, the first unit of study, ‘What is Computer Science?’ sets an objective for children to understand that computer science is the study of how computers can be used to solve problems. Children are tasked to consider what ‘problems’ our society is faced with. To teach this concept in the Year 3 iteration of the unit, pupils look at the case study of traffic lights and how computers are used to solve the problem of road safety, while the Year 6 iteration of the unit requires higher and more open-ended thinking in the case study of medicine and how computers are used to solve the problem of keeping people fit and healthy.


Computing is taught by class teachers with some year groups benefitting from team teaching with the Computing Subject Lead.  All staff receive planning support from the Computing subject lead.

To support teachers with delivering coding lessons (which often requires a high level of technical knowledge beyond many class teachers), additional video tutorials made by the Computing Subject Lead have been created. Tailoring our own video lessons rather than subscribing to a scheme allows greater opportunity to make links between the core concepts taught in lessons and the application of these concepts in programming and coding. During tutorial videos, references to concepts are linked to the skills being demonstrated.

Internet Safety objectives are taught in PSHE lessons and planned for in the PSHE curriculum in the autumn terms. The topic of internet safety is revisited in this Computing curriculum in the summer terms.

Timetabled computing lessons focus on ‘Computer Science’ units of study. Many Computer Science lessons (outlined in the Computing Curriculum Map) also provide opportunities to achieve Digital Literacy and Information Technology objectives. Further Digital Literacy and Information Technology objectives are met through other foundation subjects (eg geography or history).

Computing lessons are resourced with SMART Notebooks, worksheets for learning journals and tutorial videos. Pupils keep a ‘Computer Science Learning Journal’ which moves with them as they progress through to Year 6. Learning journals allow for reflection on learning as well as providing a record of learning activities.

Staff training occurs both formally during PDMs and informally when working with year-group teams.

Monitoring and Assessment

Checking against the skills outlined in the ‘Progression in IT and DL’ document allows class teachers to informally assess IT and DL knowledge and measure them against age-related expectations for each year group. Formal ‘Assessment Grid’ documents provide class teachers with assessment criteria against which they assess IT, DL and CS learning objectives. Pupils are also required to self-assess their IT and DL knowledge, and their CS throughout the year using the ‘Self-Assessment Grids’.

Learning journal folders of students are also scrutinised along with student voice comments to monitor the success of the curriculum. In particular, student voice interviews focus on their knowledge and understanding of the core vocabulary concepts.


Reading occurs throughout computing. However, it is best exemplified during the unit on computational thinking, where children are tasked to apply computational thinking skills taught to solve worded computational thinking problems. The study of computational thinking skills culminates in students (year 3-6) participating in the Bebras computing competition where they are challenged with using their logical computational problem-solving skills to attempt a series of worded problems under timed conditions. Pupils practice and build the skills to read and comprehend the worded problems.

Provision for SEND pupils

Computing at Wolfson Hillel is designed to ensure that all children are able to access the ambitious curriculum and exercise their problem-solving skills. The Subject Lead provides continuous guidance for teachers to make sure pupils with additional needs are able to access the curriculum and make adaptations if necessary. SMART Notebook resources feature regular ‘retrieval practice’ tasks to promote the retention and consolidation of Core Concepts. Staff training occurs informally throughout the school week with support and guidance provided by the Subject Lead, as well as during scheduled PDMs throughout the year.